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PEAK Fillable Performance Matrix Triangles

The fillable performance matrix triangles make keeping track of mastered programs even easier! These excel documents allow you to simply change the color of select cells to indicate mastery of new programs. Doing so also provides you with a visual representation of current skill repertoire and skill development to show staff, parents, and providers!
NEW~! A fillable PDF Binder Cover that contains all four of the assessment triangles on one page that can be filled in a single click. Spaces are available to enter client information as well. Enjoy!

PEAK Factor Scoring Grids
We take pride in the extensive and on-going research that goes into the PEAK Relational Training System! One major development has been the creation of Factor Scoring grids. These grids: (1) can tell you more precisely which order to train PEAK programs based on skill development progression found in children with disabilities, and (2) can provide an easily interpretable summary of skills for staff, parents, and providers to inform treatment decisions.

PEAK Age-Norm Conversion Tables
The PEAK age-norm conversion tables allow caregivers to estimate a client's behavioral skills within a normative age range of 2 years, based on data published in normative evaluations. Currently, normative data have only been published on the PEAK Direct Training and Generalization modules, but research efforts are currently underway to gather the normative data necessary to provide estimates for the other two modules. Information can be used to develop goals based on client's age and deviation from typically developing peers, and to communicate with parents and other service providers.
PEAK Pre-Assessment Item Conversion Tables

The PEAK Pre-assessment item conversion tables allow caregivers to align results from the pre-assessments with participant scores on the 184 item full assessment. The tables have been developed for the PEAK Direct Training and PEAK Generalization pre-assessments. The table indicates the item on the pre-assessment and provides the corresponding alpha-numeric code from the full assessment. By matching these items, caregivers can expedite completion of the full assessment in order to get to curricular training faster, while continuing to individualize instruction for all learners.