PEAK Learning Modules
The PEAK Relational Training System currently contains 4 learning modules that reflect each of the four ways that we currently understand how people learn new skills. A skilled PEAK implementers will utilize each of the four modules simultaneously, to not only establish new skills, but also to better the learner's ability to gain new information in each of the four ways!
Each of the modules contains a direct pre-assessment, a full 184-itemized skill assessment, and a 184 item curriculum. The modules are summarized below:

PEAK Direct Training
The first PEAK module ever published, PEAK-DT focuses on establishing early learning skills using direct positive reinforcement. Early learners will benefit from learning pre-requisite skills such as making eye-contact, attending to the teacher, requesting preferred objects, and labeling things in the environment. More advanced skills in this module include early social skills, such as show and tell in front of an audience, telling jokes, and among several other skill topographies.
PEAK Generalization

PEAK-G extends beyond the first module by not only teaching new skills through positive reinforcement, but also teaching learners to use skills in new and different settings, and in creative and novel ways. The goal of this module is to create Generalized Generalizers, exponentially increasing the amount of information that is gained as learners move throughout the environment. Early skills, such as generalized imitation, requesting a variety of objects, and categorization are targeted early in the module. Towards the end of the module, generalizable academic and life skills are targeted, such as counting money, silent reading, as well as several important social skills.
PEAK Equivalence

PEAK-E is the first of two modules that goes well beyond direct positive reinforcement, establishing the language skills that underlie symbolic behavior and true language. The goal of this module is to encourage learners to gain new knowledge or behavior without the behavior being directly reinforced; or, to make inferences from events that occur in the environment. Learners are first taught to match identical objects through each of the sense modes (e.g., sight, smell, touch). Then, learners are taught to interpret new information in terms of previously learned information, such as that if the word "dog" is the same as a real dog, and that "dog's are nice," to approach dogs instead of avoiding them. By conducting this module, we hope to create Generalized Derivers.
PEAK Transformation

PEAK-T progresses learners even further than the PEAK-E module. This module establishes the early skills that underlie complex cognition, reasoning, and problem solving! The goal of this module is to encourage learners to identify events that are the same or similar, different or opposite, as well as to respond categorical and to interpret events in terms of the perspectives of others. Early programs target tangible differences, such as 5 objects is MORE than 3 objects. As a learner progresses through the module, more abstract skills are targeted, such as that an elephant is MORE friendly than a shark. Learners are also encouraged to transform new skills in creative ways, such as by acting like an elephant when told to act nice, or like a shark when told to act mean. At the end of the module, skills that underlie success in therapy, such as identifying values, are targeted to transition learners to other forms of social-emotional support provided by several professionals.